about us

we're so glad you're here. moderndachshund is a labor of love. after seeing what doxie stuff was available out in the world there appeared to be a lack of more contemporary, modern feeling home goods and accessories. we knew we were just the doxie lovers to fill that void.

inspired by our love of weens and dogs in general we've created a collection of metal signs, for indoors and out, many customizable and all unique, original, and designed here by dachs lovers for dachs lovers. not to be left out, we do love all dogs and can create most of what we make for other breeds upon request.

lovers of dachshunds, we couldn't think of a better way to honor these 'little beasties with the GIANT personalities' than by creating a store with unique and original designs commemorating and celebrating all things dachshund.

with input from other passionate ween fans we design (in house) all original items, not available anywhere else. our hope is that they will enhance your living space while putting a smile on your face.

each item is custom made at the time of order. once you order, our craftspeople get to work creating your fab item. creating your original design at the time of purchase allows for great flexibility and custom details, with the lowest price and highest quality available.

win win for everyone.....just how we like it!!

you know you can't wait! go order something fabulous.....your wiener dog will thank you!!